Week 8

Week 8

Hello Week Eight! I feel like I just started this journey but here we are two months in.

I have had family in town, friends visiting so eating out has been a regular thing. That is not easy when trying to eat healthy. I order a lot of salads with a protein of my choice. No sugary dressing and stay away from the yummy options I may have preferred in my previous life.

I order a lot of salads with a protein of my choice. No sugary dressing and stay away from the yummy options I may have preferred in my previous life.

I have started my working out back up. I did it twice last week. Its not where I want to be. This week I kinda coasted a bit. I had such bad headache last week I just wanted to be a little chilled out. I had one cheat 🤥not enough to spike my sugars but sometimes you just gotta live a little. Overall really feel like I am getting more used to my new way of life. (New way!)

Withdrawals are pretty much gone, I have given up many things in my life, drinking, smoking, caffeine and I still don’t partake on these items. Maybe very occasionally on a cigar or a coffee but rarely. However, giving up sugar is harder than any of these items and the withdrawals. Let me share….

SMOKING, felt some cravings and irritation but overall felt noticeable better each day.

ALCOHOL, first month swelling and sweats. Emotionally up’s and down’s as I face the feelings I was masking. Started feeling better and clearer by week 3. Now four years later and feeling amazing!

CAFFEINE, painful headaches day two through five. Then felt a little sluggish. Felt pretty normal by week 2. And now about 6 months in, I no longer crave it.

SUGAR, this has been hard. I craved it. Bad… like a drug. My sugars probably where very confused. Sugar is in everything. Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are not in everything, but sugar is. Its so hard to eat like this even when you want to. This has taken a lot of dedication and I realize the work I have had to do to get here.

My update is I have yoyo’d this week between 151 and 153. I can’t say 151 though cause I woke up at 153 and thats what I‘m sticking with. Not easy seeing the scale at that another week but I have been loosing fairly quickly and a little breathier is ok. For my mental state, I hope to be down next week. It is very motivating to me to see the results.

Until next week, stay kind and take good care of yourselves! 😘😘

Week 7

Week 7

Week seven, by the end of this week I will have put 49 days of healthy lifestyle choices in front of me.

I have had a few slip ups. Some cause of my nerves. Like making a split minute decision where I felt I had no good choices in front of me and felt awkward with my company, I ordered chicken strips, fries and cheese sauce….Just to have them order a to-go salad with vinaigrette. 🤯First thing that left my mouth was, thats what I should have ordered. I took a couple bites of my food and tossed it. Couldn’t justify doing that to my body. It made me realize my quick decision making on food is still struggling. I have some work to do.

After my sailing school, ⛵️I stopped my working out. I came home exhausted and lost a quick 3lbs cause of hard physical work and a strict diet and was exhausted and had two days of headaches. So here I am feeling guilty I have to say this. But my working out has completely ceased. I do intend to pick that back up this week. Going to need to get my head back in the game here.

Now that I confessed my sins let me tell you of my successes…

Yeah I screwed up that day on food, if you knew the whole situation it would make more sense. I was dealing with some hard stuff but overall I have stayed very strict and turned away sweets, breads and processed foods.

My diet has changed dramatically and one slip up didnt hardly cause a bleep in the diet matrix. I have lost 10lbs and weigh 153. My doctors and my first goal is 146. I have only 7 more pounds left to go. I hope to reach that. This will really help my diabetes.

My blood pressure was 129/89. This is slightly high but a lot lower than what my previous blood pressure was. It has been normalizing and all of this is tracked directly to an app. Just so grateful to have this going down. It was hard living daily with elevated blood pressure.

I know I have only lost 10lbs. Not like 50lbs but let me tell you I feel a lot better. Imagine walking around every day with high blood sugar and high blood pressure and having no clue you where so sick. I just thought this was normal. I also thought some other things about myself, like I am just lazy or overwhelmed. Not a very good way to think of yourself. 😢

Now I walk around 10 lbs lighter with 76% normal blood sugars and only slightly elevated blood pressure. My body is healing and I am feeling a lot better. I still have some work to do, I hope to have an even better report next week. Most importantly I feel so hopeful and excited for my upcoming results. 🙏💪

Week 6

Week 6

Hello week six! We are well on our way to some new lifestyle choices. For 35 days I have considered everything that goes into my mouth. Will this help me or hurt me, is it worth the cost and do I love myself or the taste of food more?

I love myself! This is a wonderful body I have been given… it takes me swimming and sailing. It provides for me financially. It shares moment and experiences with people, places and things. I have great eye sight, I have strong feet and I have mobility to move where I want. All of that is threatened if I don’t get my health back in order. I am still young and have a lot of years in front of me and I don’t want to give these years to sugar. Sugar is NOT worth it!

My blood pressure has lowered dramatically. My blood sugars are 76% normal now and I have lost 8 lbs. my first goal was 156 and I have reached that! Next goal is 146. At that weight my sugars are less effected. Kinda funny how that works.

Some Of My Montras:

  1. Mind over Matter
  2. You are Stronger Than You Think
  3. Is it Worth It or ARE You Worth it?
  4. One Day At A Time
Hello Week 4

Hello Week 4

Hello 4th week! I have arrived. I am still alive. Not depressed, not to hungry, and feeling extremely optimistic these days. I am finding food options. I did have to stay away from the doughnuts this weekend at the conference but thats ok. I got many years of those indulgences and now its time to stop.

I am a day late on my post but we had some craziness this weekend. I was fit to handle it, strong and got all kinds of tools this weekend from my conference. I live a sober lifestyle. This isn’t a typical thing in this society either but just like the doughnuts 🍩I have had my allotment on booze too. This path of sobriety has taught me how strong and capable I really am. I wake up each morning grateful, in communication with God and just the 24 hours ahead of me. Just for today I will stay away from sugar.

I met with my doctor yesterday and I have lost 6lbs, and my sugars have dropped 100 points. If that isn’t proof that hardwork pays off, I don’t what is! It definitely has motivated me and has been a real faith booster.

I have appreciated the kind words and encouragement you all have shared here and in person. Gratitude is what help keeps my head screwed on straight and I truly am grateful. Loneliness is one of the hardest places to be and to not feel alone in this has helped me tremendously. We all got our battles but shoulder to shoulder we have the strength to get through.

Trudging to happy destiny and see you next week from the sailboat! Girlfriends going to be a  Captain

Week 3

Week 3

-Week three has arrived since my diabetes, high cholesterol and high triglycerides lab work came back. I actually cried when the doctor told me. I had a slight breakdown…. Not gonna lie! I know its not a terminal disease ”atleast not now”

However, I did know what it meant. It meant I had to change, I had to sacrifice and that seemed like a lot of pressure. I wasn’t sure I was up for the task.

I am officially 161lbs. I have loss two pounds. Not as much as I wanted but I have had a steady scale drop. I have lost 3 inches on my waist. I was a 37 and now 34. That has a lot of positive health ramifications. 📏

My blood pressure has finally dropped to normal. At 111/78 this morning I opted to put off my BP medicine and check again this evening. I am only supposed to take it if I am 130/90 or higher. That is a huge win! I have had three days of normal BP. 😃

My blood sugars are getting better but not normal 100% yet. I am at 30% normal readings. The rest are hyper. I have whats called the dawn phenomenon. If anyone knows about this, message me your stories. I wake up with high glucose in the mornings. I am going to start intermittent fasting this week to see if this helps.

I have been working out everyday and on Saturdays I do an outdoor physical activity. This week I kayaked with some old friends and new friends! Grateful for my body, yeah it not perfect but it took me on a ten mile kayake trip, loading and unloading, hiking on a slippery terrain to a spring and in and out of the kayak all day swimming. I may be facing some trials here but life would be boring without a few hurdles.

Have a happy and healthy week my friends!

Day 1 Personal Health Journey

Day 1 Personal Health Journey

DAY 1 (August 15)

This is me… Day one of this new health Journey, I recommend you to document your progress so you may see yourself changing for the better. To begin is one of the most difficult steps!

Today is a new day! I have made a goal to exercise daily and eat healthier. I have been feeling slugish for a long time and after some recent bloodwork, it is clear I have some work to do! My goal is to loose 25lbs.

Follow along to see what I am eating and for updates on my weight loss. Today I weighed in at 163.

I have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and high cholesterol. My triglycerides where dangerously high as well. I am a little embarrassed to put this on here but as I have decided to turn my profile into a public figure, I believe there will need to be a certain amount of honesty.

Thanks for the support and cheers to a happy and healthy future!

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