A few months ago my husband and I decided to go see the doctor. We wanted to get physicals and bloodwork done so we could make sure we where in tip top shape for the next phase of our lives. We are looking to travel and document our discoveries! We plan to be active and on the go and want to be physically equipped to do it all.
I knew I wasn’t in great shape, but I had absolutely no idea I was so sick. My blood work came back with an A1c of 9.8, and my triglycerides and cholesterol were extremely high.
When I had the follow-up with the doctor, I just cried. Why wasn’t my body working correctly! I felt all the emotions but the only emotion that was going to do me any good here was determination.
I decided to publicly announce it, I didn’t want to be dishonest with myself and others. I thought this might help hold me accountable. I was given a set of tools from my doctor and I have done a ton of research on healing and being healthy. It has been 11 weeks now since I started documenting this process, and it has been a journey full of ups and downs.
This morning I weighed in at 148. I have lost 15 lbs! My first goal is 146. After that, I will get more blood work and make new goals for myself. It won’t end at 146 because I still want to push myself to be even healthier and stronger.
This process has been such an eye-opening experience for me. I didn’t realize I was capable of this. Maybe deep…deep…deep…down inside, I knew, but accomplishing this has given me a lot of confidence, and for that, I am grateful. We are all capable of this; we just need to get to the point where we can look up and want something different.