Week 9
I have reached 151. My first goal is 146 so I will need to have a celebration when I reach that.

So it’s week 9! I was trying to determine how long I will do these updates. Not sure if this information has been useful or encouraging to you. It has helped keep me accountable for sure. So if this has been helpful to you.
As you can see below my blood pressure has greatly improved. I am also showing another huge improvement in my blood sugars. As my weight decreases this is easier for me to manage. I am getting to know how my body responds to different foods. I have incorporated some potatoes here and there. Not regularly. I don’t eat any breads or sugars still. This is not something I can change at this point because they will spike my blood sugar. Its also just not good for me. I have learned to much to start eating those things again and I am starting to not crave it as much.
I have reached 151. My first goal is 146 so I will need to have a celebration when I reach that. Not a food celebration but maybe a firepit party with my friends. I am getting soooo close. I am at the 5lbs away mark. My doctor is having a baby and taking a month off, I hope to surprise her when she come back with my hardwork and ask her to retest my A1c at that time. I have one month to loose 5lbs. That is feesable if I continue to stay dedicated here. That will put me at 17lbs loss but lets not count our chicks before they hatch. Its one day at a time here!
If you are struggling to get healthy and loose weight it can be done. It takes a lot of self love, discipline, support of family and a good doctor. The first step for me was getting my bloodwork done so I could see what was going on.

Until next week be kind and take care of yourselves.