Just finished our ASA 101 test and I got a 97% three more test to do.
I learned how to sail (helmsman role) and turned the boat into a busy channel all by myself yesterday. Loving the stuff I am learning. The knots in the picture are called a cow hitch! Named a cows hitch because it lools like the face of a cow.
I just finished my final test! This one was the hardest. Lots of navigation questions and calculations on distance equals time and speed.
My reward lunch was pb&j on a carb counter whole wheat wrap. No sugar added pb&j.
Today is our last day on the boat. We have worked our butts off. Its crazy to think I showed up six days ago to board a vessel with people I didn’t even know. I have lived every waking moment with these people for the last week and have really enjoyed it. We couldn’t be more different from each other but blended wonderfully!
Next steps, buy a boat! And if anyone has a boat that’s 55’ or more and wants to help me get some boats hours… I would greatly appreciate it!
This sailing course has been such a huge success so far. I have learned so much.
The real truth, I am exhausted! We are waking up early, sailing all day in the sun with no AC and we are literally a hot sticky mess.
If that isn’t enough, at night we hose off outside with a spray hose, try drying off as much as possible just to do our testing and eat.
Our boat has no AC (did I mention that) so after cooking we get the boat real nice and toasty before bedtime. As you can imagine it doesn’t make for the easiest night sleep.
So after all this hardwork and pushing my body to new limits, I will be one Salty Skipper!